Funeral services in Russia for foreign citizens — the best quality at affordable prices

One day the need for ritual services arises in each person. Someone uses them for the burial of their relatives and just close people. Others buy goods from funeral homes in order to ensure a normal funeral for the deceased. In both cases, the role of a ritual agency cannot be overestimated. The desire to carry out the deceased is as natural as possible, but financial possibilities are limited.

This also applies to foreign nationals who are even more difficult in this regard. Temporarily being in a foreign country, they cannot use high-quality ritual services, as unscrupulous companies try to deceive them everywhere. The new funeral service will solve these and other typical problems that people face - citizens of foreign countries.

How are funerals organized for a foreigner who died in Russia

It’s impossible to say right away how much a funeral costs. The cost in each case is different, since it depends on the list of selected services. In order to find out how much a funeral costs, it is necessary to determine the intended place of burial - the tariffs on cemeteries may vary. But foreigners are rarely buried in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In most cases, the repatriation procedure is carried out - transportation of the deceased person to his home country. But for this you need to ensure the holding of some events in Russia. For example, in our country it is necessary to obtain a whole package of permits and to take some other actions.

The choice of vehicle also matters - you can order an inexpensive hearse for transporting the coffin, or a rare car, in which case the cost will be higher. Of all these costs is the total cost, the bulk of which goes to cover the price for the transportation of cargo-200.

Foreign citizens who need quality ritual services can use the services of, the first specialized funeral home that works only in the interests of foreigners. Country of residence of the deceased person can be any. The body with all accompanying documents will be delivered on time to the point of the world indicated by the customers.

The company has passed the state accreditation, therefore it has the right to use the services of international airports. If the relatives of the deceased person do not have the means for an early repatriation, the body may be left in Russia for some time. These and other services are provided by a specialized funeral company in a regular mode.



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